70+ Printables to help you plan, organize, & feed your families well!! 

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large family table

Hello friend, it’s me, Jamerrill. 

I’m so glad you found me here. I help mommas live their best lives for God’s Glory! I’m a Jesus loving, long-time homeschool mom to 9. I only know MEGA and LOTS. Here I share all about easy home cooking for a house full, homeschooling, and motherhood for God’s glory.



Get the entire ULTIMATE SUPER MEGA Large Family Freezer Meal Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 here, plus *so much* MORE! PLUS YOU GET TONS OF ADDITIONAL added products such as meal plans, cookbooks, and more in the GET IT ALL BUNDLE!!


FREE 5-Day

Feeding My Freezer Freezer Cooking Challenge!

You’ll fill your freezer with 10 to 12 awesome freezer meals to help make life easy!!

My Goofy Neck and Lots of Real Life

If you’ve followed along on YouTube lately you may know that about a month ago I started having trouble with my neck. This trouble was seemingly out of nowhere. I worked 10 hours on Saturday at my computer (at that time I was still getting my online work hours in by working two full days a week and “being off” five). Between Sunday and Monday I started with mild neck pain. By Tuesday the discomfort was at the forefront of my mind, “Gee, my neck is really hurting, I must have pulled something?”  And by Wednesday morning I was in tears as I attempted to drink my morning cup of coffee. I could hardly swallow.

You can watch the Mommy, Who Broke Your Neck? Vlog where I share the journey of getting care started for my neck.

In short, I have a cervical subluxation.

My neck scan the day I couldn’t swallow properly

Many people have asked me how I was injured. The truth: I’m pretty sure this is a slow injury from the last 4 years I’ve blogged and worked online. I’m almost embarrassed to say it. However on my two work days a week I’d sit in my bed, hunched over my laptop, determined and focused to get my work done so I could be 100% momma on the other days. And even before Travis and I had my schedule down to two days, I used to work 4 hours in the mornings before the kids got up. Then there was that insane year or so when FreeHomeschoolDeals.com exploded and I hung on for dear life to run it and keep my home, sanity, and family intact.

Whew, makes me sweat just thinking about it.

Snuggling with sweet Amelia as I ice my neck by the pool

So the important information is I am healing. Those first few weeks I had to go to my doctor twice a day for treatments. Right now I’m going 2-3 times a week. I’m icing my neck several times a day still. When I feel like I need to lie down, I lie down. I’ve dealt with several bouts of feeling sorry for myself and struggled with discouragement. However, with Jesus I’m still pressing on.  I’ll need to undergo treatments and adjustments for several months. Praise the Lord, I don’t need to constantly be in a neck brace at the moment.

Family-wise, life is good. I so enjoy being a mommy and throw myself into that each day as I have always tried to do. Travis and I are talking over our homeschool schedule plans for the new year.  We’re also working through ideas for my new work station and adjusted work hours.

The blessing is I have such an excellent team behind me on Free Homeschool Deals that even if I’m down and out, or in the middle of life-changes and healing, the work of FHD (slinging out tons of homeschool freebies and awesome deals) never stops. It’s a machine.

I’ve been keeping the GoPro (affiliate link) around and capturing snippets of our days more often. I’ve actually been able to get a new homeschool vlog or family video up most days. I do have to work part-time hours in order to run the full-time online business the Lord has given me. I will share later this week some adjustments Travis and I are making. One wonderful tidbit I can share right now is Travis is in the middle of making me a stand up desk workstation. You can have a peek at the progress here.

These are my quick updates for the moment. I’ll add my homeschool mom vlogs from the last few weeks to this site over the next few days. In the meantime you can check in directly on YouTube. xoxo

Struggles happen. Life can be hard. & then you have to feed all these people.

Let me help you feed your family well and sanely.

I share simple strategies for grocery shopping savings, doable meal planning, stress-free cooking, & serving large family style meals.