SAVE Mega & LOTS on all the 


2023 Super Mega Massive BIG BATCH COOKING Extravaganza  Bundle


Big Batch Freezer Meals, Slow Cooker Meal Plans, Helps & More!

large family table

Hello friend, it’s me, Jamerrill. 

I’m so glad you found me here. I help mommas live their best lives for God’s Glory! I’m a Jesus loving, long-time homeschool mom to 9. I only know MEGA and LOTS. Here I share all about easy home cooking for a house full, homeschooling, and motherhood for God’s glory.



Get the entire ULTIMATE SUPER MEGA Large Family Freezer Meal Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 here, plus *so much* MORE! PLUS YOU GET TONS OF ADDITIONAL added products such as meal plans, cookbooks, and more in the GET IT ALL BUNDLE!!


FREE 5-Day

Feeding My Freezer Freezer Cooking Challenge!

You’ll fill your freezer with 10 to 12 awesome freezer meals to help make life easy!!

Build a Prepper Pantry from Scratch

In this video, I’ll show you how to build a prepper pantry from scratch. We’ll be focusing on the basics, including what food items to buy, how to store emergency food, and where to find Prepper Pantry items on a budget at Costco and Aldi. Follow along as we build a stockpile for a prepper pantry that will give you peace of mind and help you prepare for any situation that may arise.

🎉 Use Coupon Code HELLO20 to take 20% off the SUPER MEGA EXTRAVAGANZA BUNDLE which includes 50+ meal-time sanity-saving products like Big Batch Freezer Meal Guides 1-18!!! 🎉

Build a Prepper Pantry from Scratch

Build a Prepper Pantry from Scratch

If you have nothing in your prepper pantry whatsoever, where you do even start? In this video, I walk through Costco and show you the items you should have on hand for emergencies. You’d be surprised at how affordable a prepper pantry can be!

Why do I even need a prepper pantry? What are we preparing for?

What are we not preparing for? There’s always something going on, right? Natural disasters, sickness, even job loss or job instability. There’s plenty of reasons. The items don’t have to stay locked up for decades. You can use these items, rotate through your pantry, and replace the items as you use them.

Prepper Pantry Items from Costco

At Costco, I found mega & lots of bulk items. We grabbed batteries and an emergency light source, which had five power sources and you can even charge your phone with it! A perfect addition to your prepper pantry and it was only just over $22. I also picked up some water, which is must-have. Costco had huge cases of bottled water for $3.99 each and I picked up some boxes of lemonade mix to give other drink options.

Life straws to purify water weren’t in stock but I have seen them there. We grabbed other necessities such as toilet paper and other toiletry items to have on hand.

Build a Prepper Pantry from Scratch

Foods to have in your Prepper Pantry

Some good foods to have in your prepper pantry that I was able to find at Costco were chicken stock, coffee, shelf-stable milk (including almond, oat, & soy milk)! The shelf-stable almond milk at Costco was only 99 cents/quart and will last over a year! I also grabbed some cup-o-noodles and ramen noodles, oatmeal, and peanut butter. The peanut butter wasn’t an amazing deal, but I did grab some while I was there. (Walmart is the best value in our area for peanut butter.)

In addition to our Costco haul, I grabbed some large cans of vegetables, meat, and beans. Dried beans also have a very long life, especially if you can store them in a bucket. We grabbed some sugar and you can stock up on any kind of sweetener of your choice. Honey is a great thing to have in your prepper pantry because it is good forever. Even after it crystallizes, it is just fine! Costco had a good deal on syrup, too. Two for $8.99.

Another good thing to have in your pantry is yeast, which some people freeze to keep it even longer. I also picked dup some vanilla, lemon juice, and condiments such as mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard. Many kinds of sauces last a long time and are good to have in your emergency prepper pantry. We grabbed salt & pepper, cinnamon, parmesan cheese, and garlic. Other foods we stocked up on were rice, dried fruit, pickles, and boxed pasta.

What is one must-have item in your prepper pantry?

One important item to have in your emergency prepper pantry is vinegar. You can use vinegar for cooking, preservation, & cleaning. It is a necessity, for sure. Don’t forget other cleaning products such as Lysol/Clorox wipes!!

Build a Prepper Pantry from Scratch

What did we find at Aldi for our Prepper Pantry?

In Aldi, I always look for canned goods. They usually have the best prices in our area. Green beans were only 50 cents a can! Get a whole flat of 12 if you can. I also picked up canned fruit. Fruit cocktail was $1.25 can! We also found applesauce, condiments, ready-to-go soups, egg noodles (only $1.43–yes & amen!). It’s good to have at least 12 jars of spaghetti sauce, lots of spaghetti noodles. Aldi had better deals on peanut butter than at Costco, so I grabbed more of that, plus cream of chicken, condensed soups, and more.

Remember, the food in your emergency prepper pantry doesn’t have to be the food you’d eat if you had lots of choices, just decent food that would last a long time on your shelf and would be easy to eat in an emergency situation.

Build a Prepper Pantry from Scratch

What did we spend to build our emergency prepper pantry from scratch?

I feel like we did a good job at being frugal with these prepper pantry finds. We came out just under $600. Costco was a little over $430 and Aldi was a little over $161. If you’re able, you can do this big prepper pantry haul all at one time OR you can just take a certain amount of money per week or month to slowly stock up when you can. At $10 a week, you could have a full emergency prepper pantry in just a little over one year! With $25 a week, it will only take you six months!

If you ever have an extra $100 sometime, you could buy more. Just do what works for you and only get the items that work for you and your family!

We spent $591 dollars have a fantastic starter prepper pantry for emergency storage! For this particular haul, I am giving these emergency prepper pantry items to a local single mother to give her a boost and security when times are uncertain.

If we learned anything from the toilet paper extravaganza of 2020, don’t wait until it’s too late, start building your emergency prepper pantry today!

🎥 Watch the entire Emergency Prepper Pantry Stockpile on a Budget HERE!!!

Save Your Mega Momma Meal Time Sanity! ⤵️

You can get all my 50+ Recipe Packs in my meal time sanity-saving Super Mega Extravaganza Bundle! It includes all the food products in my shop through Fall 2022!! You will get so many recipes, make-ahead and freezer meals, lots of sheet pan meals, baking bundles, and planning packs to help you organize all your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and so much more. That’s why I call it the Super Mega Extravaganza Deal

Struggles happen. Life can be hard. & then you have to feed all these people.

Let me help you feed your family well and sanely.

I share simple strategies for grocery shopping savings, doable meal planning, stress-free cooking, & serving large family style meals.