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Hello friend, it’s me, Jamerrill. 

I’m so glad you found me here. I help mommas live their best lives for God’s Glory! I’m a Jesus loving, long-time homeschool mom to 9. I only know MEGA and LOTS. Here I share all about easy home cooking for a house full, homeschooling, and motherhood for God’s glory.



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Large Family Budget Shopping + HUGE Thrift Book Haul

Listen, when mama gets a day out, she makes the most of it. I had a couple of appointments with some friends but finished way early. I had my work bag but that’s no fun. I came up with a much better plan filled with fun, videoing, visiting friends, and Sharp Shopper. Budget shopping for me and my friends is a much better way to spend the day than working. Wouldn’t you agree?

I have a friend who has a private Christian school. I thought while I was out I would stop at Booksavers of Virginia. I get loads of chapter books here for my family at a great price. My plan is to get a great deal on books to help her school library. Budget shopping to bless others! 3 boxes of books and assorted items later and I’m out the door. I’d be lying if I said everything was for my friend.

Aww, look at little Daniel and little Amelia in one of my first Youtube videos. What a season that was for us with 5 children aged 7 & under. It was a different season for sure.

Let’s go to Sharp Shopper! Gabbed with my friend for a good hour and a half, then managed to make it to Sharp Shopper 35 minutes before it closes. No worries as this mama only needs about 15 minutes to load up on some good stuff. I almost need a second cart but I’m limiting myself to just one. We’re going to finally go home so you can see all my budget shopping steals.

I decide to share the next morning. Got my big ole cup of coffee to make me coherent. Before I share my Sharp Shopper haul, let me give my disclaimer. My Sharp Shopper hauls are not about organic, grass fed, gmo free, pure and holy food. They are quick and easy kid friendly snacks and convenience foods to make our lives easier. Yes, I buy the pure and holy foods but sometimes mama needs assistance. Sharp Shopper is a blessing when you are on a tight budget or have a lot of people to feed or a combo of the two. It’s a balance, right? Yes and amen.

Sharp Shopper Haul

6 boxes of cereal
4 Jello Snack Packs
6 Family Size Assorted Flavor Jello Snack Packs
1 Family Size Box Chocolate Dipped Granola Bars
5 Jalapeno Big Cheese Slice Packages
7 Containers Carving Board Chicken Chunks
4 Containers of Smithfield Black Forest Ham
4 Containers of Oscar Mayer Naturals Smoked Turkey Breast
10 Little Cans of Mandarin Oranges
2 Large Jars Kraft Mayonnaise
2 Large Cans Baked Beans
1 Himalayan Pink Salt Grinder
4 Half Gallon Containers of Minute Maid Berry Punch Juice
2 Rolls Jimmy Dean Sausage (3 lbs each)
1 Container Charms Mini Pops
1 Large Box Austin Cracker Individual Packs
2 Small Boxes Cinnamon Toaster Waffles
2 Large Boxes Regular Toaster Waffles
2 Mega Packs Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs

Shaking and hearts coming out of my eyes deal: 12 cases of YoCrunch yogurt. Poor Stewart kids have to eat candy bar yogurt. Oh, the sacrifice.

The lunch meat has an expiration date of 9/10. I’m filming on 9/7. We will eat several in the next few days then freeze the rest to use in salads and such later. Don’t be afraid to get items close to their expiration but be cognizant of either eating them or freezing them by that date. Don’t let budget shopping be the death of your family.

Friends are a coming so let’s get the Sharp Shopper haul put away and move on to the books. I know that’s really what you’ve been waiting for anyway. Remember these books are for my sweet friend who runs a small Christian school. Instead of giving her a list of books to get for her library I thought “Now Jamerrill, you go into the thrift store and get them a collection to get going.”

Entire Little House on the Prairie collection. Oh yeah! They actually had three sets there. That is a Stewart family favorite along with Chronicles Of Narnia. I got them a mix of excellent living books to start off their library. Some of them I have double because I got copies for them plus a copy for my own library. You really can’t have too many books is my motto. I do go through my library every year or two and cull out any duplicates. I give them to friends for their libraries or in my homeschool group.

I might go through this pile again to pull for my library. I don’t want to overwhelm them with a massive amount of books since they are a small school. They have a library started but if you ask me to give you a book list and I’m at a thrift store, I’m gonna bless you with books.

Not related to books but I got this gorgeous Scripture print there too. I love to have Scripture around the house to remind us of our focus. Naomi was the lucky beneficiary of a super cute purse. This brings me to the kid’s individual piles of books to go along with the library ones. I like to encourage their individual interests as well.

There you go! That was my fun day full of budget shopping, buying books, visiting friends, and going to Sharp Shopper. Do I know how to spend a day or what?

Looking For More Large Family Grocery Hauls?

Struggles happen. Life can be hard. & then you have to feed all these people.

Let me help you feed your family well and sanely.

I share simple strategies for grocery shopping savings, doable meal planning, stress-free cooking, & serving large family style meals.