How to Cook Bacon in the Oven
I shared a picture last weekend of how I cook bacon in the oven based on so many amazing tips from my viewing and reading friends! Let me tell you, I tried it. It was ah-mazing!
Here’s the rocket science behind this one:
- Line baking sheet with parchment paper (I’ve been told you can use foil just the same)
- Cover parchment paper with bacon strips
- Place baking sheet in oven at 400 for 15-minutes (as I mention in my video I actually left mine in a few minutes longer by accident, but it still turned out wonderful!)
- After the bacon was cooked I placed it unto a large tray for the family. The BEST PART (yes, I yelled that 🙂 ) is the parchment paper just rolled right up and went in the trash. Yes and amen! No mess bacon in the oven!
A photo posted by The Encouraging Homeschool Mom (@jamerrillstewart) on
How to Cook Bacon in the Oven | Large Family Style – Cooking Vlog!
Click here to watch the full how to cook bacon in the oven vlog!
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